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When Should I Start to Receive Workers Compensation Payments?

  • Owner
  • 11/21/2022

A common question we are often asked at Pearson Koutcher Law is: When will I start to receive my workers’ compensation payments? Ideally, you should start to receive your wage-loss benefits within 21 days after notifying your employer of your injury. After you report your injury, your employer should promptly submit a claim to its workers’ compensation insurance company. The insurance company is required by law to respond to this claim within 21 days. If they accept the wage-loss portion of your claim, they will start sending you checks. They can also temporarily agree to pay you benefits but delay their final decision for 90 days from the time of your injury. Insurance companies often deny claims, though, and if your claim is denied or you have not received a response from the insurance company within 21 days, please contact the workman’s comp PA attorneys at Pearson Koutcher Law.

How Many Days Do I Have to Be Out of Work to Be Entitled to Workers’ Compensation Benefits?

If you are injured at work, your medical costs should be covered starting on the date of your injury. But how long do you have to be out of work before you are entitled to workers’ compensation payments? Pennsylvania law provides that if you are out of work for seven calendar days or less, you are not entitled to wage-loss payments. If you are out of work for between seven and fourteen calendar days, you are entitled to benefits except for the first seven days. If, however, you are out of work for more than fourteen calendar days, then you are entitled to payments going back to the first day you were out; there is no seven-day waiting period.

What Happens If the Insurance Company Has Not Accepted My Claim?

If the insurance company has denied any part of your claim – the wage loss portion or the medical portion – or it has not responded to your claim within 21 days, contact a workman’s comp PA lawyer at Pearson Koutcher Law as soon as possible. In this case, it is likely that the insurance company is trying to avoid paying your claim, which unfortunately happens often. The PA workers’ comp lawyers at Pearson Koutcher Law have decades of experience fighting for injured workers’ rights. They will file a Claim Petition on your behalf, asking a Workers’ Compensation Judge to award you benefits.

Can I Still Get Paid If the Insurance Company Has Not Accepted My Claim?

Yes. Call the law firm of Pearson Koutcher Law. Our seasoned attorneys will help you get the benefits you deserve.
If you have questions such as, When should I start to receive workers compensation payments? or other questions about your rights as an injured worker, contact Pearson Koutcher Law today for a FREE consultation. Our workman’s comp PA attorneys have more than one hundred years of combined experience in defending the rights of injured workers.